Did you know that ?

0 km/h

Cycling for a better productivity

15km/h is the average speed of the bicycle which makes it by far the fastest mode of travel in urban areas over distances between 3 and 5 km.

5 km are covered in 20 minutes by bike and 12 minutes by electric bike.

0 Min

Cycling for good health

30 minutes of cardio-respiratory physical activity / day at least 5 days a week: this is what WHO recommends for maintaining good health.

By using your bike for your daily commute to work, you are making a big contribution!

Take care of yourself, the environment and save money by cycling!

The bike of your dream

at best price

Which bike or other sustainable mobility solution to choose ?

We help you see more clearly depending on your use.

Choisir son vélo en fonction de son usage et de ses contraintes

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