Our priority :

Your employees's security

How well do you know the rules of the road when cycling?

Equip yourself and your bike:

Équipement du vélo

Freins, éclairages, sonnette… Il est important de vérifier que votre vélo dispose des équipements obligatoires pour circuler. Assurez-vous aussi que vos pneus soient bien gonflés et votre guidon bien droit.

Bicycle equipment

Brakes, lights, bell... It is important to check that your bike has the required equipment for riding. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated and your handlebars are straight. Cyclist's equipment A helmet is the safest way to protect your head in case of a fall or collision. Head injuries are still the number one cause of death for cyclists. In an accident, it reduces the severity of head injuries. It is mandatory for children under the age of 12, whether they are drivers or passengers.

What does the Highway Code say?

Rules for cyclists

The Highway Code applies equally to all users. In order to guarantee everyone's safety, cyclists must respect a certain number of rules, in town or out of town; during the day, as well as at night. Parking, traffic rules in town or out of town... Find out all the rules and penalties for cycling.

Rules for users of electric scooters

The rules for motorized personal mobility devices are essentially the same as those applicable to bicycles, with some specificities. Find out more about the rules and penalties for riding those devices.

Find out more on : sécurité-routière.gouv

Our trainings*

Choose your bike

(according to its use and budget)


a/ Theory
b/ Practice

Value and promote your sustainable mobility project

*Quote and details on request

Our accessories

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